Remote management from mac for windows
Remote management from mac for windows

remote management from mac for windows

But the fact remains that SCCM capabilities are limited when it comes to Mac and native management tools are insufficient to manage a full macOS life cycle. Recent macOS releases make it even easier to integrate Apple products as they can work with Microsoft SCCM and Exchange Active Sync. Mac devices include the client component required to join AD and binding a Mac to the domain is relatively simple. Incorporating mac devices into AD and using the existing tools to manage them alongside Windows devices.

remote management from mac for windows

Let’s have a closer look at the major ones. IT teams can take different approaches when trying to accommodate Mac devices in a Windows environment.


Try Hexnode for Enterprise Mac Management How to manage Macs in the enterprise? So, in this context ‘how to manage Macs in a Windows environment’ is worth talking about. But the main challenge in managing Macs is the lack of such IT management tools associated with Mac. Microsoft’s inbuilt IT management tools like Active Directory and SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) made it easier for admins to manage their Windows devices. Microsoft already had a host of efficient management tools built around the Windows ecosystem. Within IT departments, there exists a level of uncertainty on managing Mac devices within their existing Windows-dominated environment. This strong adoption has driven the need for Enterprise mac management solutions. The use of macs in the enterprise is a growing trend and shows no sign of slowing down.

Remote management from mac for windows